Jesus offers the chalice of His suffering in propitiation for the sins of the world. It is particularly through his anguish of desolation and privation – of feeling forsaken even by His Father – that He merited for souls the grace to overcome the sense of despair which would assail them at the moment of death.

At the memento we remember those who, bearing the indelible sign of baptism, have completed their earthly pilgrimage while holding fast to the faith. Having been freed from the perils of eternal damnation which they encountered while passing through this earth, now they rest in peace and in joy,

At the conclusion of the formula, “Through the same Christ our Lord” the priest not only joins his hands but also bows his head. This inclination of the head, Gihr says, must have a mystical signification: “When dying, Christ bowed his head on the cross and then descended into the depths of the kingdom of the dead, there to console the devout…and deliver them from their captivity.”  This the priest would now call to mind by bowing his head.”

The Church makes a supplication for the holy souls, asking that the living stream of grace flowing from the Sacrifice reach the fiery place of cleansing to refresh and solace those souls still making expiation for forgiven sin, and to free them to enjoy the beatific vision.

Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, who hanging on the Cross, didst pray to Thy Father for all mankind, even Thy executioners; grant, I beseech Thee, that Thou contend mercifully with the infidelities of souls, who now wholly repentant, didst abuse Thy grace. I supplicate Thee especially for those souls nearest entering heaven; for those most forgotten; for those I have known in life. Accompanied by Thy angels, may they finally arrive in the Heavenly Jerusalem to enjoy Thy Supreme Goodness. And may their prayers assist me in my weakness, so that with them, I might also possess Thee and love Thee for all eternity. Amen”

About ihmprayforme

lifelong Catholic; homeschooled our children; have been regularly attending the Tridentine Mass for at least the past 17 years.
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